Sunday, June 14, 2009

Oracle 10g FORMS Issue : FRM - 10142 : The HTTP Listener is not running.

Many of them may find the following error while running the Oracle Forms 10g after a fresh installation

FRM - 10142 : The HTTP Listener is not running.
This error occurs because Oracle 10g FORM output will be displayed in web browser.
So the browser settings to be given in the forms before running it.

1. Go to Edit->Preferences.
2. Select "Runtime" tab.
3. Fill the web browser field.
ie.. mention the iexplorer.exe path in that if u r using Miscrosoft Internet Explorer as a web browser.
4. Save the setting and run the forms.
5. The result will be displayed in a separate webbrowser.

Before running the FORM check OC4J is running.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Sorting in Heirarchical Query

Sorting in Heirarchical Query

Hierarchical queries are used to created hierarchical tree structured outputs.
For example

select ename,sal
from emp;

The above query displays the employees and its salary.

If we need the output as who's boss is who and their salary then the query should be modified like below.

select level,ename,sal
from emp

start with mgr is null

connect by prior empno=mgr;

In the above query "start with" is used to start the output from the boss,who's doesnt have a manager (ie mgr is null)
"connect by piror" is used to defined the relation between the boss and his siblings.

If the output is to be sorted by salary in each level then we need to modify the query as

select level,ename,sal
from emp

start with mgr is null

connect by p
rior empno=mgr
order siblings by
sal desc;

In the above query "order siblings by" is used to sort the output by salary without distrubing the heirarchical structure.