We all know the basic datatypes in oracle like CHAR, VARCHAR, NUMBER, DATE . But most of them will not have the exposure to TIMESTAMP datatype. I like to share my view on this datatype today.
First let us know the difference in DATE and TIMESTAMP datatypes. We generally say both used to store date information. But there is a huge difference in it.
Its a dataype in which we can store the information like DATE,MONTH,YEAR with HOUR,MINUTE,SECONDS information. We normally call DD-MON-YYYY as a date part and HH24:MI:SS as a timestamp .
Its also a datatype in which we can store date part as well as timestamp. Additionally it also stores the fractional part of seconds and the timezone information.
we can get the timezone information from the below query
select * from v$timezone_names;
As like sysdate we also have systimestamp which gets you the following information.
select systimestamp from dual;
The following example queries may explain you about the timestamp data type.
select to_char(timestamp_col,'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH:MM:SS.FF3"Z"') time_stamp from tab_name;
Output : 2012-03-20T02:03:28.000Z
In the above example we already know about the format type YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS .
.FF3 - It limits the fraction part as 3 . we can also use .FXX to get all the fraction part in the timestamp
select to_timestamp('2012-03-20T02:03:28.000Z','YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS.FF3"Z"') from dual;
The above query is the reverse query.
we have more functions regarding timezone conversion. For more information you can always google it.
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